Riteshbhai Wish : My Wish To Publish Any Of My Novel Or Poem Collection As Book.Until Now Still Its Dream Only.I Will Be Happy If I Found Any Initiator To Help Me For Book Publication.
Reason to Create blog: Before, my creations were published in Aksharnaad site. Once I read blog Guajarati pratibha parichay, and I contacted shri Sureshbhai Jani. Who helped and encouraged me to create my own blog. I wrote many novels and pomes, my wish to share these all to people is my main reason.
Family Background : I’m married and got wise wife, kala. One daughter and son they are my part of life. My father was business man. But I choose my carrier doing job.
My Childhood : I passed wonderful childhood in small village named Bhaduka on the highway of Surendranagar to Rajkot. Many memorable things wrapped in my life… many occasions, I’ll never forget. Like I played many villager games with my friends and my younger brother. Once I got sever sick, my father lifted me on his shoulder and he ran for may be 5 km, that was my life’s most tragic happened…thanks for my father to gave me new life.
Hobbies: Very difficult to list out my hobbies. Still some of least’s are swimming, travel, reading, writing, music and movies.
Personal Life: I would say, my life is happy...Co operative and wise wife. Passing life with wife and son. We shares our happy and sad moments together. But we enjoying a lot!!
Travel: Travel is my most favorite hobby. Many places of India I covered as tourist. Especially trip of Lakshadweep Ice Lands were my memorable trip also Thailand visit.
I read many writers like Meghani, Sundram, Narsinh Mehta, Mirabai, Munshi etc...I always appreciate their effort for literature and dominate their ideas and feelings to us.
Hobby of reading carries us to deep. This potentially gives us wide knowledge. And exploration of literature will helps us to lead in many areas.
Tradition / festival / Food: Some of our old traditions still running like a normal way of life. We almost following that way! In other way we are not intervene or think about that. Some of traditions we need to change or stop. Likewise, we eating older food on eve of SHITALA SATAM.
Festivals are really one gift from our old generation. We are all enjoying well in celebration of almost festivals.
Present generation is now so smart, they nothing to say much. I would say only the thing; try to focus on special goal instead surfing net world stuffs only for entertainment.
Message for friend/relative: Every person obliged from friends and relatives. For me also many friends and relatives are my part of life. Thanks so much for them who directly or indirectly involved encouraging and inspiring me when it was needed.
Thank: A many thanks to my parents, brothers, sisters and all relatives. My all gurus who taught me useful things in my life.
At Last :-
I am hearty thankful to Mr. Ritesh Mokasana(Far Away from Gujarat, Still Not Forget - Really Great Spirite) for his above introduction. In my life, if I get chance to meet him personally, then It will be memorable moments for me forever.
My name is Raichura Maya Sudhir. +Maya Raichura My address: A/ 3, Bluesky co op housing society ltd, Opp Swagat Hall, Carter Road No 5, Borivali(East), Mumbai - 400066
I’m a housewife and there are 4 members in my family : my husband , my son, my daughter-in-law, and me .
I love reading n writing .I like reading shayris and gazals, story books from my teenage days.
I like cooking too. All this lead me to the wonderful world of blogging. I also enjoy listening to music.
Mostly old hindi and gujarati songs. But most important thing is my love towards gujarati language.
I firmly believe that every one should know their mother tongue.
That is ………why I started a gujarati blog called Stop.co.in (About Poetry, Ghazal, Recipe, Articles on different topics, Shayari, Quotes Etc.. in Gujarati Launguage) .
My son, who is the founder of a famous management portal: managementparadise.com, motivated me to write and blog.
He taught me every thing about blogging.
My father in law is a social worker. He serves food to poor people at Porbandar. He is my inspiration.
Once my son had visited Delhi for the TIE conference, I missed him, so I wrote a little in my diary n slept. When my son came home and saw and read what I wrote for him, he asked me to try to write mote. He appreciated my writing. And thus my journey started.
I request all Gujju parents to teach Gujarati language to their children. A child can learn many things from his mother tongue.
Our every custom is cheerful .Our festivals gives colors to our life.
First of all I thank god for his blessings. I am also thankful to my family and every one who supported me.
Once again I thank to my loving sun (son) +Kartik Raichura . Without his help I’m nothing .God bless u my son.
I really very thankful to Maya Raichura (For me, she is Mayamasi(in Gujju style)).
She give her time to us for this introduction which will be helpful to present generation(like me) and also for next generation. Jay Shri Krishnaand proud to be GujaratiFrom Paavan Jethava
Dear Paavan Jethava, First of all my congratulations to you. You have a unique vision to serve the Gujarati Language, its literature and the writers. I do not consider myself a person of literature, and am just a story writer. This is how it started… When I was in my SSC year (1957) I wrote one Gujarati Story “Paagalni PreyasIo,” (પાગલની પ્રેયસીઅો) which I sent to “Nav Vidhan”(નવવિધાન) weekly magazine. The editor of the magazine liked that story, and this became my first published story. 'વીલ' 'રાહતને રાહે' 'સાભાર પરત' 'સ્ટ્રૉબેરીનો પ્રસાદ' 'દહીંવડાના શુકન' 'ભુરુ કવર' received a very encouraging review. Within two years I wrote about fifteen stories. I paid a heavy penalty for my overboard interest in writing. I lost my inter-science year. Being the son of a retired primary school teacher, my goal should be to finish my education and start to earn money to support my family. I used to teach students to earn my college expense. I gave up participating in drama, classical music, Kavi Samelans, and story writing. I did not read any literature and I did not write any stories. It was 1959. After completing my collage I Received a B.Sc. degree in chemistry, the subject which I did not like and hated. Surprisingly I have worked in a laboratory my whole life. After graduation I worked for about six months in a school as a teacher. I then worked for BRC Corp. until 1968. I went to London and worked in a British railway research laboratory for two and a half years. In 1968 in response to a friend’s request I wrote a drama called “Juli Na Chakkarama” “.જૂલીના ચક્કરમાં” I migrated to the USA in 1970 and worked in a different laboratory. In addition, I was busy in establishing myself and my family, and sometimes I had worked two jobs. From 1976 to 2008 I worked in R&D of Engelhard Corporation which was taken over by BASF Corporation. I was away from Gujarati reading and writing for all those years. I did not know the names of well-known Gujarati writers and their books. I then retired. I was busy working all my life. Retirement created a very uncomfortable vacuum in my daily life. What should I do? What can I do? My wife suggested getting some Gujarati novels from the library and to start reading. We went to the GUJARAT DARPAN library in Iselin, New Jersey and talked to the owner and editor of the monthly magazine. He encouraged me to start writing. I wrote first story 'સ્પેસ' after almost half a century, without knowing the current trend in Gujarati literature and the big names of its creators. Yes, this is the turning point in my life in retirement life. Most of my stories are based on the American life of the Indian community. My Novel SWETA - "શ્વેતા" – was published in 2011. It is said that before you start writing you must read, read and read. Unfortunately I cannot read as much as I want to. But I do read my friends’ posts on their Gujarati blogs. However, now I am reading and learning more than ever. I write to keep my mind busy. I only write for two monthly magazines “Gujarat Darpan” and “Tiranga in New Jersey” both of which are in New Jersey. Some of my stories have been published in “MAMATA” magazine. I write for my blog.
http://pravinshastri.wordpress.com/. At the time of this writing I have posted 67 stories. I am new in the blog world. There are so many things about blog and computer-related technology which I don’t know or understand. I have to learn many things. My friends that blog and my grand children are helping me. As for my personal life, I was born in 1939 and grew up in Surat. Now I am retired, as previously stated, and have been married to my wife Yogini for 50 years. I have 2 children, a son and a daughter, and five grandchildren who keep me young. Pravinkant M. Shastri 6 Saveria Court. Howell, NJ 07731
(3) He has own many Gujarati Wordpress Blogs but I am regular reader of this blog - http://gadyasoor.wordpress.com/ (4)Education Qualification - B.E.(Electrical) (5) Occupation - Retired GM of Sabarmati PS at Ahmedabad, Gujarat - India At present, he is living near Dallas, Texas, USA
(6) His Hobbies are - Blogging, Origami, Sudoku, Tangrams, Hobby programming in VB-6, Art of Living.
(7) Reasons about "Why are you start blogging?" Ans. - Just for my own pleasure. Also to pass time, in a creative way. (8) Please Tell Us About Inspiration behind this blog/website or which person or thing or anything else which inspiring you for blogging?
Ans.- will publish shortly
(9) About Good/Happy Incidence or Experience occurred in your life, so we can also learn/take inspiration from those??
Ans. - Lots of them. In fact I try to live so that every moment is a matter of JOY. I will send URL of a few articles that depict partly that joy.
(10) About Bad/Sad Incidence or Experience occured?? Ans. - Lots of them too ! I will send URLs of a few.
(11) About Your Hobbies? Ans. - See my blog - http://evidyalay.net/hobbylobby/ and Today's Creation- http://evidyalay.net/hobbylobby/?p=5060
(12) About your wife and your married life?? We are married since 1968, have three grown up children; and have never thought of a divorce !
(13) About places which you travelled already?? Ans.- will publish shortly
(14) Share Your Knowledge about Gujarat Literatures or other Wellknown Gujaratis? Ans. - How is it possible to share all that I have read?! No particular favourite. In fact my choices have been changing from .Miya Fusaki’ to ‘Shri Ravishankar/ Osho’!!
(15) Share Your Knowledge/Views about Our Gujarati Traditions, Festivals or other Gujju's Styles? Ans. - I have no liking for public festivals. I am more an introvert person.
(16) Your important message to Today's and Future Generation? Ans. - Live this moment powerfully.
(17) About any other topic with us which was in your mind during writing about your introduction to us?? Ans. - Can you/ your friends help for work at eVidyalay – a site dedicated for kids/ teenagers. - http://evidyalay.net/ OR for making profiles of prominent Gujarati people at Gujarati Pratibha Parichay? http://sureshbjani.wordpress.com/
(18) Your important message to your Best Friends/Loving Relatives. Ans. - You should be happy with the message that I gave to you. That is a common message for all- as it is my Jivan Mantra. In short –‘ Read Bani Azad’ – a really long a reading! http://gadyasoor.wordpress.com/bani_azad/. But you will be rewared , if you implement it.
(19) At Last, Thankful to Parents, Gurus or any other person who are responsible for your this successful life in YOUR OWN WORDS. His Replay - Read this - http://gadyasoor.wordpress.com/2013/06/21/padam_mudra/ I do that procedure with heart everyday, after Yogasan.
You can download his e-books from this web-address - http://gadyasoor.wordpress.com/download/ All
are in PDF formats, so it will easy to download and read for all of you
especially person who knows Gujarati Language very well. Its my kind request to all visitors that, "You can give your comment at below about Suresh Uncle, If you already know about him." I am really thankful to +Suresh Jani (Suresh Dada) to give us his time to all us - Paavan Jethava (Proud to be Gujarati)